DIGITAL Design + Development website.

Overall the good developed but I have some querries and suggestion like elements that behave as buttons but are built using other tags such as span, div, a or others, should include a “role” attribute that equals to “button”. Buttons should include text explaining their functionality, and if icons are used as buttons, a screen-reader only text or an “aria-label” attribute should be used for that description. Links should include text that is setting expectations to what page they are leading to. If empty links are used as layout wrapping elements, a screen-reader only text or an “aria-label” attribute should be used for that description. Landmarks such as main content and footer should be built using their corresponding HTML5 element or include a description using an “aria-label” attribute and a “role” tag that equals to “content info” or “main”. Landmarks such as search and navigation are tested in other sections. the animations are quite attractive. At the end I will rate this site 4 out of 5.